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Neurofit VR provides a virtual rehabilitation tool that brings patients and professionals together as they work to build better brain health.

At a Glance 

My main focus was to design the patient dashboards, which was the primary touchpoint between the practitioner and patient. It was imperative to create something dynamic and easy to use for the busy schedules of a doctor. I also created the flows and designs for scheduling and viewing appointments, as well as uploading individual and bulk users onto the platform. In addition, I also crafted the account settings flows, which consisted of changing membership types ( both internal and external flows ), adding and removing users, and much more. 



At a high-level, I was responsible for independently creating the end-to-end design process, which consisted of user research to understand user needs & pain points and ideation. I executed deliverables that ranged from wire-framing to high fidelity mockups to effectively conceptualize both web and mobile experiences & communicate detailed interaction. Successfully creating a visual identity for the product, I also advocated for accessibility, usability, and inclusive design within the organization. As the only UX designer on the team, I fostered collaboration across teams by working closely with the PM, developers and researcher

Due to the nature of my work at Neurofit VR, detailed descriptions and examples of my work are confidential, but examples are available upon request. Please feel free to reach out to learn and see more of the work I did!

While you're here, check out some of my other (& public) case studies, such as Spotify, or Vancouver Tool Library

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