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Hey there! 👩🏻‍💻

I'm an experience designer based in Toronto, and I believe in design driven by data. To me, memorable UX is rooted in user research, whether that's quantitative data or qualitative insights derived through ethnography.

I grew up all over the world in places like Lahore, Montreal, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Vancouver and most recently, Toronto. Needless to say, I've had exposure to different cultures and worldviews from a really young age, which evoked my curiosity to understand people's motivations behind their behaviours and habits. This curiosity is still a big part of me as an adult and drives my passion to empathize with people to empower their lives and create meaningful interactions. In my spare time, you can find me sipping on flavoured teas, reading a book, or working on my fitness (currently working on pull-ups)!


I'm currently a Product Designer at Priceline. Connect with me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email if you'd like to chat or collaborate on a project together!

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